Labour leadership campaign

Corbyn and the End of Time: The “Crisis of Democracy”

Unsurprisingly perhaps, our search of UK newspapers for the terms ‘Jeremy Corbyn’, ‘Vikings’ and ‘Mayans’ delivered only one result. After all, how could they possibly be linked? Rachel Sylvester explained in The Times on September 1:

Just as the Vikings and the Mayans brought about their own extinction by destroying the environment on which their cultures depended…

Labour’s Lost Soul: the UK and the Labour Party Leadership Election

I’ve done it, pushed out my boat on to uncharted seas and voted for Jeremy Corbyn to be leader of Britain’s Labour Party.  I thought I should do it before the notorious ‘they’ took away my chance to vote because I wasn’t a genuine Labour supporter.  I support Corbyn because of the policies he wants to push through, policies that used to represent the Labour Party.  It was what was ‘genuine’ about Labour.  But no more.

Has Jeremy Corbyn Started the Political Conversation that England Needs?

Ever since the Scottish Independence Referendum campaign I have been envying the Scots for the liveliness and engagement of their political thought and conversation and wondering how the phlegmatic English could be prodded into really thinking about the politics that run this country.  The answer appears to be Jeremy Corbyn.

UK Labour Party: A Sad End or a Bold New Beginning?

  •  Are Corbyn+Galloway the dream ticket to previously-unreachable ‘sunlit uplands’ of British politics?
  • Would they present  a much needed double-barrel warning to the warmongers of Tel Aviv and AIPAC’s lackeys in Washington?
  • Could they clean out Westminster’s snake-pit and put Britain’s industries and workers  first?

UK Labour Party bosses are on a suicide mission to block support for its most likely saviour, Jeremy Corbyn, who has emerged as the front-runner in the leadership contest.