
RUSSIA: St Petersburg Attack Suspect Named

21st Century Wire says…
The individual believed responsible for yesterday’s bombing attack onboard a train in St Petersburg was Kyrgyzstan-born Russian citizen, identified as Akbarzhon Jalilov.
Russian authorities have indicated their awareness of the man, said to be aged between 21 and 22, even though they are currently uncertain of this role involved in yesterday’s bombing. The Kyrgyz intelligence agency is working alongside Russian authorities to further the investigation.

Russian Investigative Committee has established identity of St. Petersburg metro “suicide bomber”

Sputnik News is reporting that the Russian Investigative Committee has established the identity of the suicide bomber who attacked the Saint Petersburg metro killing 14 people.
The fact that newswires are now referring to the attacker as a “suicide bomber” confirms a terrorist attack has been carried out against Russia.

Top General Warns That NATO Wants to Turn Post-Soviet Space ‘Into Another Syria’

Sputnik – 08.09.2016 A top Russian general has voiced his frustration over NATO’s lack of cooperation with a Russian-led alliance involving countries from the former Soviet space, saying that the Western alliance doesn’t seem to want countries in the former USSR to ally with one another, allowing NATO pick them off one by one at […]

Russian Ties in Central Asia Threaten US Interests – CENTCOM Chief Nominee

Sputnik – 09.03.2016 WASHINGTON — CENTCOM commander nominee General Joseph Votel said that Russia’s trade and military relationships with neighboring Central Asian states threaten US interests in the region. Russia’s trade and military relationships with neighboring Central Asian states threaten US interests in the region, US Central Command (CENTCOM) commander nominee General Joseph Votel said […]

Another Day, Another Billion for Color Revolutions Near Russia’s Borders

Sputnik – February 13, 2016 Last week, the Obama administration proposed its final, 2017 fiscal year budget proposal to Congress. Among the proposed outlays is a State Department request for nearly a billion dollars to counter “Russian aggression” and “promote democracy” in the former Soviet Union. In other words, Washington thinks the region needs more […]

Porkins Great Game ep. 9 The Death of Mullah Omar

On this especially jam-packed episode, we being in Kyrgyzstan where the US Deep State continues to poke and prod the Central Asian nation.  We start off by looking at a recent video leaked to Kyrgyz media which shows protest organizer Nurbek Toktakunov meeting with noted “color revolution” expert and Charge d’Affaires of Kyrgyzstan, Richard Miles.  We also discuss the other bizarre events going on in Kyrgyzstan the past few months, including a series of mysterious messages posted on social media in the south talking about an Islamic takeover, and the supposed ISIS attack in Bishkek.  Later