Kyle Rittenhouse

No-Go Zone: #Louisville Riots, Kyle Rittenhouse Attorneys Release Video

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Trump roundtable in Kenosha delivers truth to delusional press [Video]

President Trump held a roundtable presser with law enforcement professionals and the press about the developments and resolution of the riots that started a week ago in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after a man with a sigificant criminal record was shot seven times for resisting the police, possibly to stop him from obtaining a knife in his van.

Smears targeting Kyle debunked by Lin Wood & even New York Times

Via Revolver News (…
If you’ve been online the past few days, you’ve seen it over and over again. Left-wing internet lawyers are everywhere, claiming that Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty of murder because he “crossed state lines with a gun while underage.” But Attorney Lin Wood, of Richard Jewell fame, just debunked that wild conspiracy theory with a single tweet.