The impending pro-war Democratic Party takeover of Pacifica Radio

The largest, most historically influential progressive non-profit radio network in America, Pacifica Radio, faces a takeover attempt by Democratic Party elements. Will Pacifica embrace the pro-war logic it was created to oppose? “I can’t imagine the New York Times, flawed as it is in many ways, would be part of some grand conspiracy to implicate Assad.” -Sonali Kolhatkar, A Syrian Speaks Out on Trump’s Latest Bombing, on Pacifica Radio’s KPFA-Northern California, KPFK-Los Angeles, and KPFT-Houston in April 2018 When Pacifica […]

Lila Garrett Is A Los Angeles Progressive Icon-- Want To Guess What She Thinks Of Hillary?

The Hillary-wing of the Democratic PartyA gaggle of professional pols in the L.A. area who identify themselves as progressives-- and sometimes vote in Congress as though they are-- are Hillary surrogates. Some are pretty slimy and none are especially trusted or even respected any longer, if some once were.