
Colour Blind or Just Blind

Jose Saramago wrote a novel translated as The Stone Raft, published in 1986. It appeared in English in 1994. The story is quite remarkable if simple. One day it appears that the entire Iberian peninsula—for the “geographically challenged”, that is the land mass comprising Spain, Portugal and the British dependency of Gibraltar– ruptures and begins to separate from the rest of the European peninsula. Quite independently several inhabitants of this land mass had premonitions of this bizarre event.

Interview 1065 – Financial Survival: The Liquidity Crisis

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-07-23%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]As James returns from his summer holiday, he re-joins Alfred Adask for their weekly conversation on Financial Survival. This week they discuss the "resolution" of the Greek crisis, the growing panic over the liquidity crisis in the bond market, and whether or not the Iranian "deal" is actually a treaty.

Those Who Pretend to Sleep

Lately I find that my frustration with the level of idiocy on the part of this planet I call home is so great that writing has become nearly impossible. A recent article by Andrew Vltchek titled “In the USA-I Cannot Write” gave me comfort. I’m not alone. Here in the belly of the beast, among the zombie-fascist, gun-totin’, flag-wavin’ hordes of fellow Americans I spend my days in fearless loathing. Fearless because after living for two-thirds of a century I have little to fear other than a long painful death, being shot full of lead, or a terminal case of disgust.

Interview 1062 – James Perloff Explodes the Korean War Lies

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-06-25%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]On the 65th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War James is joined by James Perloff of jamesperloff.com to discuss his in-depth article, "The Korean War: Another Conflict that Served the Illuminati Agenda." From deals with the Soviets to protection for the Chinese to pulled punches and "missed" opportunities, we examine how the pretext for the war was created, why it was thrown, and who was behind it.

Watch: Italians Try American Snacks for the First Time

Living in the United States, it can be tough to remember that the so-called ‘food’ we often eat on a daily basis is actually a slew of processed chemicals and dehydrated filler material. We’ve seen what happens when Korean girls eat American snacks for the first time (and the Korean food supply is also quite processed so it just goes to show how much worse the US processed food supply can be), and now it’s time to watch Italians try American snacks for the first time.
Checkout the reactions below:

South Korean Activists’ Extraordinary Struggle to Save Jeju Island

South Korea’s Jeju Island is a popular tourist destination full of spas, resorts, golf courses, sandy beaches, waterfalls and hiking trails. But if you really want to get rejuvenated, skip the tourist hotspots and go directly to the village of Gangjeong to support the extraordinary community that has been opposing the building of a naval base since 2007. You’ll get your morning exercise at 7am bowing 100 times facing the base, praying for an end to its construction. You’ll get spiritual nourishment from the noon mass outside the base (no religion necessary).

Memorial Day Heroes

It is Memorial Day again. Some will celebrate. Some will drink too much. Some will march in parades. Some will rally around the flag. Some will go shopping. Some will mourn. I am among the mourners.
I mourn mostly for those we have killed — and I mourn for those we haven’t killed yet, but will in the days ahead. I mourn for all of the mothers and fathers who put their children to bed at night and wonder if this will be the night that they are killed by a drone attack.

Women’s Peace Walk Across the Korean DMZ Impeded

PYONGYANG, North Korea — International, Northern and Southern Korean women activists who plan to cross the Korean Demilitarized Zone said Wednesday they are determined to move forward with their walk, despite the announcement that United Nations authorities can’t guarantee their safety if they walk from the North to the South at Panmunjom. Panmunjom is where the Korean War armistice agreement was signed, and it is critical to the delegates that the DMZ crossing take place at this symbolic site.