
LIONEL PODCAST: A Boorish and Logorrheic Trump vs. A Corrupt and Criminal Hillary

If you wanted a thoughtful and intelligent race, pick another one. This isn’t the one. This is about yelling and screaming and irrelevancies. Inapposite and inconsequential nonissues that mimic relevant considerations. Too much heavy lifting. Beyond our pay grade. Too deep and complicated. We’re done with it. We’re through. We like easy topics and stories and issues. Like Chewbacca Mom or the plight of elegant and majestic apes that we’ve penned and caged for our amusement that are gunned down while unattended kids enter prohibited regions. Pick northern election.

LIONEL PODCAST: Our Counterfeit, Manufactured, Imaginary and Synthetic American Propaganda Yarn Disguised as History

Tertius gaudens. Motive. Explication. The concept and doctrine (translated as rejoicing third in English) refers to a situation in which one party benefits from a conflict among two others. The term is often attributed to the German sociologist Georg Simmel and is provided by some enlightened historians as a motivation of sorts of the “provocation” of Pearl Harbor.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Insanity of Queen Hillary – The Inanity of Herr Trump

Let’s look at this latest snafu from the Entitled One. #Hillary has made the same mistake that others have made anent #Trump’s bankruptcies. He never went bankrupt, his companies did. In Atlantic City! Caesars, The Atlantic Club, Showboat, Revel – even Atlantic City all went under. Just to name a few. She now must realize that because she brings these subjects up, Trump is forced to bring up #Whitewater, which was a monumental collapse with criminal implications. Does Mrs. Clinton have any idea what she’s doing and the can of worms she’s opening? But she’s nothing to fear.

LIONEL PODCAST: Subway Frottage, Autoplushophilia, Extreme Shuffleboard, Brooklyn Boors and Transgender Loo High Jinks

Warning. Lionel Podcasts have in double blind tests been linked to causing uncontrollable urges to eat, gamble, shop and have unprotected sex with carnival midway ride operators named “Buddy” sporting maroon rags in their back pockets. They have also been associated with dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, tiredness, excess saliva or drooling, choking or trouble swallowing, blurred vision, headache, anxiety, weight gain, drowsiness, sleep problems (insomnia), and constipation. Other side excepts are listed infra.

LIONEL PODCAST: Hillary Clinton Will Steal the Vote and Election If Not Indicted

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” ― Carroll Quigley

LIONEL PODCAST: Eulogium for Daniel Berrigan, #WHCD Vapidity and Will More Wilmore Suffice

You will never see the likes of the Brothers Berrigan again. Or Will Rogers, the Marks (Twain and Russell), Dick Gregory, Mort Sahl, George Carlin and Bill Hicks. We’re not talking historical vestiges, vintage heroes. No. We’re talking simply the best of the best who will never return. At least for a few more lifetimes. Listen herein to find the context of my cantankerous contempt.

LIONEL PODCAST: How to Psychoanalyze Yourself in One Easy Lesson Through My Patented Thought Experiment Therapy

You’re nothing. Insignificant cosmically. And the sooner you understand this the healthier you’ll be. Psychically. Herein are subjects that you should review – humility, your role in the cosmic garbage disposal and how to self-analyze through talk therapy and thought experiments. It’s a rather simple concept and one I commend to you. Take heart. It’s all perspective. And, like incest, it’s all relative. You’re welcome.

LIONEL PODCAST: AutoMourn, America’s Ghoulish Funereal Media Dance and Kakistocracy

Remember that thing called the election? I mean the election. With our media’s ghoulish and juvenescent preoccupation with over-the-top funereal renditions of what is allegedly respectful remembrance and classy eulogia, all that matters is ignored. But I tried. And try. To redirect the attention span of our collective country.