Major Marijuana Opponent Jeff Sessions was Named New U.S. Attorney General

On November 18, President-elect Donald Trump named Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his attorney general. Sessions will be one of the most conservative U.S. lawmakers to to serve as the nation’s top law enforcement official. He is also staunchly opposed to marijuana legalization – ridiculously so. [1]
Sessions is a bit goofy and old-fashioned when it comes to his views on cannabis, to say the very least.

Smashing the Fortress

This week, we take a look at the tens of thousands of migrants tapped in limbo in Europe, facing down the prospect of being deported back to the war zones they’ve just escaped.
For the musical break, we’ve got The Haymarket Squares, with Let’s Start a Riot.
We wrap things up with a look at the highly charged level of racial tensions in the United Snakes, and an interview with Paul, an organizer with All Out Atlanta, who helped coordinate a convergence of anti-racists to shut down the Klan at the battle of Stone Mountain.

On the 1s and 2s:

Dr. David Duke - Trump - Hour 1

Dr. David Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a BA in History. He pursued a PhD in the largest university in Ukraine and in 2005 completed his Doctoral Defense in Kiev. Duke is a former member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana and is the author of the books “Jewish Supremacism,” “My Awakening” and “The Secret Behind Communism.” Dr.

Dr. David Duke - Trump - Hour 1

Dr. David Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a BA in History. He pursued a PhD in the largest university in Ukraine and in 2005 completed his Doctoral Defense in Kiev. Duke is a former member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana and is the author of the books “Jewish Supremacism,” “My Awakening” and “The Secret Behind Communism.” Dr.