
Afghanistan, Bln Laden & the CIA – Hollywood Connection: Jay Dyer on Slow News Day

Slow News Day invited me on to cover the recent news regarding Afghanistan and the Taliban. As we have covered for years, this was always a tool for the Pax Americana and the drug trade.  The full video is available on their Rokfin.  We get into forgotten news that demonstrates the FFO elements of the […]

How Crucial USA Interests Were Harmed by the Foreign Policy of Kissinger

Whenever it is recognized that foreign policy distortions of one or more superpowers have led to serious human rights violations and humanitarian crisis in developing countries, the focus has been on studying  how the people in developing countries suffered. This is as it should be , as this is clearly the most important issue. However from the point of view[Read More...]

When Glaring Crimes Against Humanity  Go Unpunished, This May Pave the Way For Even Worse To Come

There are supposed to be systems in place, at national and international levels , for exemplary punishment in the case of serious crimes against humanity. Surely if anyone who murders one person is given very strong punishment then those who are responsible for the death of thousands ( in some cases hundreds of thousands or even millions) cannot be allowed[Read More...]

Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? (An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare)

Originally published on Vineyard of the Saker Since many good people have found themselves susceptible to the narrative that China is the global supervillain conspiring to overthrow western Christian values by any means necessary, I believe some lessons should be brought to bear. Anti-Nation state fanatic George Soros stated at the 2020 Davos Summit that […]

Trump drains the swamp with removal of Kissinger & Albright

Trump drains the swamp with removal of Kissinger & Albright *****News Topic 184***** Pentagon Purges Leading Advisors From Defense Policy Board It’s unclear why the Trump administration waited until its final months to shake up the influential group of outside experts advising top Pentagon leaders. Pentagon Purges Leading Advisors From Defense Policy Board This article […]

Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History

The incredibly shrinking Henry Kissinger is known for many things, but a revolutionary is not one of them. Over the years of service to the empire, the career geopolitician has been consistent in his unfailing commitment to 1) destroy the Westphalian system of sovereign nation states, 2) promote population control across the developing sector, 3) advocate limited nuclear war (in opposition to the more popular visions of total nuclear war advocated by Cold Warriors) and 4) selectively overthrow troublesome governments as a co-architect of color revolutions.