Kim Williams

Tired Of Our Side Being Represented By Scaredy Cats? More Milquetoast Not What You're Looking For?

I talk to candidates all day, 7 days a week. I'm so sick of hearing from "progressives" who back Medicare-for-All but are afraid to say the words... or of Democrats who believe in the Green New Deal as much as I do but have been counseled to not use the term or to speak out about it too much.

Trump Continues Tearing America Apart-- Who Profits?

SWAMP!We've been hearing about the "religious right" for decades. I'm sure you know there are also Christians who take Jesus and his message seriously. That would be the religious left. One of the leaders-- a progressive with zero affinity for Trumpism-- is John Pavloviz, who served as a pastor at at megachurch in Charlotte, NC, the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church.

The Republican Ad Setting AOC On Fire-- Who Financed It?

If you watched the Democratic presidential debate on ABC last week, you probably saw the disgusting 30 second ad above. It was run by Elizabeth Heng, a 2018 Republican congressional candidate in California's Central Valley. The ABC-TV affiliate in Fresno explained the controversy for anyone who missed the debate or ad. ABC30 reporter Nathalie Granda:

The DNC And DCCC-- Always Eager To Cede The Moral High Ground

I want to reference Tom's post from Thursday, a reminder of how the DNC's attorneys told a court that "We do not owe voters an impartial or evenhanded primary election." It was part of a DNC defense of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her DNC cronies-- many of whom are still part of the DNC-- stealing the presidential nominat

Pelosi Or AOC? Most Democrats Prefer AOC

The DC Establishment doesn't, but most regular Americans agree with AOC on this oneDo you remember last month when Hoyer gave the OK for Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX) and Gregory Meeks (New Dem-NY) to surreptitiously circulate an anonymous memo among House Democrats purporting to have polling info showing that AOC-- and the Squad in general-- are being used, successfully, by the GOP to define the Democratic Party and that the four freshmen congresswomen

There Are Members Of Congress Who Don't Understand The Urgency Of The Climate Crisis-- Take Cheri Bustos And "Energy Expert" Sean Casten

Bustos and Casten-- Climate IncrementalistsCorporate Dems in Illinois really are spearheading the effort to keep the fossil fuel industry alive. New Dems, Blue Dogs and Vote-For-Sale Democrats are moving quickly to normalize false "solutions" to the climate crisis and to make them acceptable to the public.

Blue Dog Jim Costa Gets A Strong Progressive Opponent-- Meet Kim Williams

Whenever there's any kind of legislation put forward to help working families, you can always count on two things-- Republicans will vote NO and a certain number of reactionaries from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party will join them. In the forefront of that group of reactionaries is always Central Valley Blue Dog Jim Costa.