Kim Williams

When Ro Khanna Speaks, It Matters-- We Need More Members Of Congress Like Him, Not Pointless Backbenchers

Ro Khanna's grandfather was arrested during the Indian independence movement and wound up sharing a British prison cell with Mahatma Gandhi. No doubt, that's from whom Khanna got the moxie to stand up yesterday in front of Congress and make this absolutely incredible speech opposing the NDAA-- which would be better named "the endless War and Corruption bill." I implore you to listen to what Khanna had to say. It's less than 2 minutes but it has enough in it to be worth an hour to every single American.

Bernie Has Another Plank For The Most Phenomenal Platform Anyone Has Ever Run On-- High Speed Internet For All

In the 1920s, conservatives were suspicious of-- and hysterical about-- rural electrification proposals... you know, "Socialism!!!" So President Franklin Roosevelt had to get the ball rolling with an executive order (May 11, 1935). At the time, just 3% of farms and ranches were electrified.

Three-Way Democratic Race In California's Central Valley-- The Choice Is Clear

It's crucially important to get to know who a candidate is in order to be able to predict what kind of a member of Congress they are likely to be-- not just how they will vote-- but also how they will lead, how competent and effective they will be, etc. Recently, we asked incisive author, labor activist, author and former congressional candidate Jonathan Tasini to spend some time with Central Valley progressive Kim Williams. The resulting interview on the Working Life Podcast (above) offers one of the best opportunities to get to know Williams.

You Can Count On The Establishment To Sabotage Bernie's Campaign... Obviously, The Status Quo Serves Their Interests

I did a recent survey of Blue America-endorsed candidates. Most of them have told me they would be happy with either Bernie or Elizabeth Warren. Some preferred Elizabeth and some preferred Bernie but no one said anything about backing Status Quo Joe, Mayo Pete or Kamala.