
Entretien avec Sergei Munier, combattant volontaire du Donbass

Il y a un peu plus d’un an, se tenait le sommet de Minsk II, qui déboucha sur un accord de cessez-le-feu censé mettre fin à la guerre civile dans le Donbass, dans l’est de l’Ukraine. Nous avons saisi cette occasion pour revenir sur ce conflit avec Sergei Munier, un jeune Français qui a rejoint la milice de la République Populaire de Donetsk en 2014, et qui a accepté de s’entretenir avec nous.

The New York Times Sinks to a New Journalistic Low in its Reporting on Ukraine

On 8 January 2015, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk demonstrated once again that he is either a liar or an ignoramus (inspired by Russophobia) when he told a German TV channel, “I will not allow the Russians to march across Ukraine and Germany, as they did in WWII.” Putting aside his ludicrous bravado – analogous to a crazed, dying gnat promising to stop a bull elephant — only the untaught do not know that it was Hitler’s Nazi Germany that invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.

Dear Mr. Putin…

Americans see the fire and smoke in Odessa and we know that our government is lying. We know the truth about our government; it is not a government of all. It is a vampire called empire. It has an insatiable thirst. We Americans are already being ravaged by the fire and the smoke of our empire
“A point comes when caution ends and cowardice begins.” -Eldridge Cleaver.

Estonia FM: Kiev snipers from new Ukrainian coalition

As the EU announces that it will be making $15 billion in grants and loans available to the new Ukrainian government, a phone call between the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU Chief Catherine Ashton has emerged in which Peat reveals that those behind the killings of police and demonstrators may be members of […]