Kevin De Leon

Those Who Disparage The Democratic Base By Referring To Them As "Hyper Bernie Activists" Move In To Kill Kevin De León's Campaign

KDL knows exactly who's trying to undermine his campaignIt's no secret here in California that the Democratic establishment has moved ruthlessly to choke off money and support from Kevin de León's challenge to doddering conservative Democrat Dianne Feinstein. But no one's supposed to write about it.

There Are Reasons Why So Many Republicans Have Always Liked Dianne Feinstein

Harvey Milk was an old friend of mine. He was serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors with Dianne Feinstein when he was assassinated. He always detested Feinstein-- hated her even more than Dan White, the guy who murdered him and Mayor George Moscone late in November of 1978. I never met her by I felt like I knew her through Harvey. I never voted for her as a county supervisor or as a mayor or as anything else she ever ran for. Back in these early days of her political career, DiFi was a xenophobic asshole who was making her name as an anti-Hispanic/anti-Asian asshole.

L.A. County Board Of Supervisors Decides To Go Down With The Leaky S.S. DiFi

Kuehl, Solis, Hahn, Barger, Ridley-ThomasThursday the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously dissed progressive Angeleno Kevin de León by endorsing conservative Democrat Dianne Feinstein for another 6 year Senate term. You would have thought at least former congresswoman, ex-Labor Secretary Hilda Solis would have had more sense. Kathryn Barger is an actual Republican, plain and simple.

You Have To Be Crazy To Expect The Institutional Democratic Party To Be Anything More Than The Lesser Of Two Evils-- Two Really Evil Evils

After the massacre in Las Vegas normal Americans thought it would be the perfect time to push for saner gun policies, not just banning bump stock devices (a ban opposed by the NRA)-- which have no other purpose but to turn legal semi-automatics into mass murder machines as they did in Las Vegas-- but to prevent dangerous and mentally

Why Progressives Want To Replace DiFi With Kevin de León-- And Why Establishment Conservatives Don't

Past/future of CaliforniaRo Khanna (D-CA) was right this week when he wrote a Sacramento Bee OpEd calling for California voters to jettison Dianne Feinstein in 2018. Sadly, most California Democratic electeds privately agree with his reasoning and conclusion but have neither the integrity nor courage to say so in public.

Is California Ready To Finally Replace And Upgrade From Dianne Feinstein?

A few months ago, conservative L.A. Democrat Adam Schiff, my congressman, was looking for operatives to help run his Senate campaign. He was telling people that Dianne Feinstein had told him she would retire after her current term expires in 2019, when she will be approaching her 86th birthday (as long as her new cardiac pacemaker holds out). She wants another conservative Democrat like herself to occupy the seat.

Common Follows Up On Johnny Cash Concert At Folsom Prison-- 5 Decades Later

Do you wish you had been at Folsom Prison-- although maybe not as an inmate-- to see Johnny Cash perform two shows there on January 13, 1968? This is a recording that was released from those shows, which was a multi-platinum smash. I bet you've already heard it.Yesterday I had lunch with California Senate president Kevin de León to talk about music. (He's a huge fan of a lot of the same bands I love-- like Depeche Mode, U2, Fleetwood Mac, Green Day.) But what he was really excited about was Common.