Kevin Cramer

Will Independents Step Up To The Plate And Save America From Trump?

Beset by growing opposition from every direction-- except neo-Nazi Stephen Miller and the vilest of the hard core Trumpist bigots, Señor T appears to have raised the white flag of surrender yesterday. (We'll see-- it might be just trading family separation for family internment.) This is how Bernie put it this afternoon: "Trump’s executive order merely replaces one inhumane act with another.

Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders Fights For Working Families-- Florida Corporate Hack Patrick Murphy Is On The Other Side

Bernie Sanders (I-VT)-- like Ken and I, a graduate of James Madison High School-- has been trying to explain that “Yesterday, the Republicans were using the Affordable Care Act as the reason why they had to shut down the government and not pay our bills. Today, it’s ‘reforming’ Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The Grubby Politics Of The Vote To Shut Down The Government-- Fundraising And Hypocrisy

DCCC faves McIntyre & Matheson both voted to shut down the governmentI'm sure you already know that on Friday, Boehner surrendered to the Tea Party nihilists and the deranged Ted Cruz faction of his party and passed a bill that would shut down the government unless the Senate and Obama agree to repeal the Affordable Care Act.