
Will the Turkish Earthquake Unleash Science from the Shackles of the Statisticians?

“Can we forecast earthquakes? No. Neither the United States Geology Survey (USGS) nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future.” -United States Geology Survey website On the morning of February 6, 2023 the people Read More...

The Politics of Thinking and Cultural Warfare Explored (Darwin, Kepler, Shakespeare and More)

Amidst the multiplying self-contradictions caused by the incompatibility of our perceptions of reality and reality itself, crises on every level (economic, geopolitical, spiritual) are becoming too ugly and painful to ignore anymore. Some of the most pressing questions now being raised by thinking citizens watching the unravelling of their worlds include: Why are so many […]

A New Alaskan d18O Series

PAGES2K Arctic introduced a lake sediment d18O series from Kepler Lake, Alaska that hadn’t been used in previous studies. Although O18 data is a workhorse of paleoclimate, O18 data from Alaska (or, for that matter, anywhere in the Arctic hemisphere between 90E and 90W – going east) is very scarce. Thus, the appearance of a new d18O series from Alaska is of considerable interest. I’ll show why by comparing the new data to other O18 information: