Kellyanne Conway

2017 In Review: A Hell Bound Train Of A Year (Part 6)-- Republican Words As Windows To Their Souls, Round 1

-by NoahOK. I know the title is misleading. Republicans show no evidence of having souls.I often wonder if today’s Republicans ever did. Or, were republicans just born the way they are. Do they come out of the womb as full-blown sociopaths or, even worse, psychotics? They say you have to be taught to hate, but… I wonder.The old saying is that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Unfortunately, when I look at the eyes of republicans, well, I see dead people. Sometimes, if you say the word ‘Obama’ in the presence of a Republican, the eyes go glassy and their mouths start to sputter.

Kellyanne Conway and fake news CNN’s Chris Cuomo, clash in marathon 35 minute segment (Video)

Now that CNN has another fake news Russia story, courtesy of a 20 minute meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer over adoption rights, CNN’s chief fake news host, Chris Cuomo invited White House top aide Kellyanne Conway onto his morning show, turning a 5 minute segment into a 35 minute circus debate.
Cuomo questioned the Trump’s credibility arguing that there were “huge legal and ethical implications” of the meeting.

This is the neocon “hit list” of people in the Trump Administration that are targeted for removal

The neocons, in partnership with their neo-liberal left minions, have efficiently disposed of General Michael Flynn, and now three more Trump loyalists are marked for removal.
Here are the Trump White House team members that are next in line to be picked off by the neocon establishment, as the DC swamp rises up to consolidate its hold on the office of the US President.

Kellyanne Conway speaks out on Berkeley protests. Trump warns, ‘no free speech, NO FEDERAL FUNDS’

Kellyanne Conway is 100% correct when she says, “In the real world, when these kids grow up and try to find jobs, [they’ll see] life doesn’t work that way, folks.”
President Trump is also correct by threatening to stop federal funding to universities that do not allow free speech on campus.
Via Zerohedge