Kayla Moon

Insights from a defiant woman

In being a melanin deficient woman I am privileged in my oppression. Yes, should I have some type of intellectual insight it may have its chance of making rounds in the conscious community. My body/ white flesh equals corporate standard of beauty. The key element missing in these self titled conscious collectives is that of […]
The post Insights from a defiant woman appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Fresh Waters

Beware With the rhetoric of war the simply complex suited man continuously turn our children’s future into a empty and broken planet. In the collapse of a 400 year empirical reign your military is not the best, for weapons have no relevance when it comes to the eternity of time. Your thoughts are chaotic fueled by […]
The post Fresh Waters appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.

Black Lives Matter bringing attention to a nation in crisis

In this video Kayla Moon highlights the success of the Black Lives Matter movement in bringing national attention to grand societal issue of corrupt Police forces, which effects black lives directly in a nation of great crisis. Also highlighting the collective protests of Tamir Rice, and takes a moment of silence for lives lost.
No census on police involved killings in 2014

Letters to a broken society: Unveiling the Curtain

Kayla Moon talks about her latest project, a book collaborative. The topics include creating beauty in the darkness, highlighting issues within the American Empire and solutions for the future. Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com
The post Letters to a broken society: Unveiling the Curtain appeared first on The Conscious Resistance Network.