Kay Hagan

Lobbying’s Mile-High Plateau

Special-interest money in Washington may have peaked but it looks more like it has plateaued at mile-high altitudes, with hundreds of millions of dollars continuing to fill the coffers of lobbying firms each year as they sign up ex-members of Congress and other well-connected “public servants,” as Michael Winship reports. By Michael Winship Pity poor…

Today's North Carolina Senate Primary Pits Rand Paul Against Mitt Romney

The Republican Establishment is trying to make a come back after badly losing two presidential cycles in a row with feeble and extremely unpopular establishment candidates, John McCain and Mitt Romney. Today's primary in North Carolina is their shot to nominate the Speaker of North Carolina's widely hated state House of Representatives.

Republican North Carolina Senate Candidate Thom Tillis Caught Blatantly Lying About The Affordable Care Act Again

It may be hard for normal people to understand that there are actually candidates to the right of Thom Tillis running for Senate in North Carolina and that he's playing the role of the Establishment (Art Pope) shill. Tillis was first elected to the North Carolina legislature by beating a more mainstream Republican, John Rhodes, in a primary in 2006 and 4 years later was elected by the far right as Speaker.