
We're About To Have An Actual Rapist On The Supreme Court-- And Louisiana Senator John Kennedy Knows

John Neely Kennedy, the junior senator from Louisiana, sounded like an imbecile yesterday when, as part of the Kavanaugh brouhaha, he referred to his Democratic colleagues by saying that "These are people-- I’m not gonna name names-- but I’m not sure they have a soul. I don’t think their mother breast-fed them.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRemember when Melania Trump announced her "Be Best" campaign? Yeah, I barely did as well. No matter. Every First Lady adopts a cause and "Be Best" was, at least on paper, her effort to do something for the mental, physical, and emotional welfare of children. She has even given some words, if not much in the way of actions, to the problem of bullying.

Democrats Laid a ‘Perjury Trap’ for Kavanaugh and Plan to Impeach Him If They Win the House in November

Democrats are laying a perjury trap for Kavanaugh by asking detailed questions about inscriptions in his yearbook and drinking games from 35 years ago. If he is confirmed, Democrats plan to impeach him on the basis of contradictions in his testimony about sexual terms in his yearbook.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWith all the commenting on Brett Kavanaugh and his lowlife character issues, let's not forget another major line in this sordid episode of American history. Let's not lose sight of what the Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court has rawly exposed, and that is that, to the Republican mind, sexual assault is not wrong in any way, shape or form. They don't get why anyone would be upset about it.

All Eyes On Flake-- Will He, As Is His Wont-- Disappoint Us Again?

When The Arizona Republican Party first selected Flake as its candidate for the open U.S. Senate seat in 2012, he had already served 6 terms (12 years) in Congress. Before that he had been executive director the the Barry Goldwater Institute. His credentials as an extreme right-wing kook-- with a libertarian bent-- could not be challenged. His first primary was against 4 conservatives, although Flake was by far the most conservative. In the House he was a bit of a pest to establishment Republicans as he fought to end earmarks and special interest corruption.