Katie Hill

No More Republican Members Of Congress From Los Angeles? Time Has Come Today-- Guest Post By Lee Rogers, Part II

Yesterday Dr. Lee Rogers took a look at the crucial congressional race in CA-25 for us. This is Part II. I suggest you take a look at Part I if you missed it while observing Memorial Day."This is Bryan. Don’t be like Bryan." Caforio Threatens CA-25 Democrats' Chances in Novemberby Dr.

Winning One Of The Last Republican Held Seats In Los Angeles-- A Two-Part Guest Post By Lee Rogers

Anyone who has followed this blog for the past half dozen years knows Dr. Lee Rogers, primarily because he ran for Congress in CA-25 twice. The heart of the district is Santa Clarita but spreads south to Porter Ranch, west into Simi Valley, north as far as Gorman and east to Palmdale and up to Lancaster in the Antelope Valley.

Bryan Caforio Is Too Negative And Too Desperate To Be Trusted With The CA-25 Democratic Nomination Again

Katie Hill was endorsed by Judy Chu, one of the most fiercely progressive members of CongressCA-25 has gradually gone from a deep red district to a blue district. In 2016 everyone though a Democrat would finally take over the congressional seat from a weak and extremist Republican incumbent, Steve Knight.

Has Gun Control's Moment Come Again-- Despite Cowardly Politicians?

Cameron Kasky, one of the students who survived the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School brought down the house at the CNN forum Wednesday night when he asked his senator, Marco Rubio, if he would stop taking NRA money. Rubio-- like every single blood-soaked member of Congress from either party who takes NRA bribes and votes for their sick, murderous agenda, said that the NRA buys into his agenda, not that he buys into theirs. Maybe Rubio even believes that. But the kids didn't. They boo-ed him loudly and repeatedly. Rubio's not up for reelection again until 2022.

Still Flipping Out Over The Generic Congressional Polls? Don't

For those still nervous about generic congressional polls showing less strength among generic Democrats than it was a few weeks ago I want to offer two graphics. Above is one showing how Democrat Margaret Good fared on Tuesday against the son of Republican Congressman Vern Buchanan in a Trump district in southwest Florida.

Does Net Neutrality Mean Much To You?

If more congressional candidates did this, many of the country's problems would vanishI was listening to NPR yesterday on a long drive and they were interviewing two dullard Beltway operatives, a dumb Dem and an even dumber Republican. The dumb Dem, when asked about Net Neutrality's salience as an issue said no one cared much about it. And the dumber Republican went one further to say no one even knows what it is.

Frank Schaefer Travels To Agua Dulce To Meet CA-25 Progressive Candidate Katie Hill

Neither Frank Schaeffer nor Katie Hill is a Trump fan— though Katie’s opponent, Steve Knight, is as Trumped-up as possible. He's one of Trump's most devoted partisans in Washington. Katie takes care to explain why her campaign is more than just an anti-Trump endeavor. I urge you to watch the clip above. But I want to offer you a little background as context. CA-25, which spans the Antelope Valley, the Santa Clarita Valley and Simi Valley, has a Democratic voter registration advantage— and a very weak Republican incumbent. Why? Hillary won CA-25 pretty substantially— 50.3% to 43.6%.