Kathy Ellis

Pete Found A Good Line Tuesday To Describe The Shame Of Today's GOP-- "Naked Racism"

Trump's mind by Chip ProserIn Tuesday night's debate, Mayo Pete mostly regurgitated his slick McKinsey-like, carefully-tested talking points. He didn't really have a memorable moment, but he did make a worthwhile point about Status Quo Joe: "We cannot have a vision that amounts to 'back to normal,' he said.

SOCIALISM!!!!!! Democrats Passed A Minimum Wage Bill Today

Schrader, one of only 6 Dems to vote against raising wages, isn't worried because Cheri Bustos will protect him from Mark GambaThe House finally voted today to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The final vote was 231 to 199. Six Democrats crossed the aisle to vote against it, while 3 Republicans were going in the other direction in favor.

Embarrassingly, Pelosi And Hoyer Led Most House Democrats Away From Impeachment... Here's How A Cross Section Of House Candidates Responded

In 2018, corrupt conservative, Darren Soto, pretended he was a progressive during his primary battle with Alan Grayson. After he won, he stopped pretending and admitted he's a member of the right-of-center, Wall Street owned and operated New Dems. Yesterday, like virtually all the New Dems, Soto voted against impeaching Trump. It reminded me on one of Grayson's brilliant TV spots which focused on impeachment. Watch closely. The point is simple: "I'll vote for impeachment; Soto won't." And Grayson was... clairvoyant?

The Urgency Of The Climate Crisis Might Not Be Partisan But Is Very Political

One of the big surprises in recent years when I talk with new congressional candidates is the number who tell me that the reason they're running is climate change. The first one who ever told me that was when I spoke with a state Senator in California struggling with the idea of leaving his family behind in his beloved southern California to immerse himself in tawdry Washington by running for Congress.

When A Frackenlooper Falls In A Forest, Does Anyone Hear?

There's another primary going on-- for who will dominate the conservative lane in the Democratic primary. In the end, there aren't going to be 24 candidates-- probably just 3: a progressive (Bernie, maybe Elizabeth Warren), an identity politics candidate (likely Kamala Harris) and a conservative/establishment/status quo candidate (likely Biden). But entitled multimillionaires John Delaney and John Frackenlooper aren't giving up.

How Soon Before The Koch Brothers Are In A Position To Buy Cheri Bustos The Speakership?

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with an old friend, an author who had recently interviewed David Koch for a book he's working on. He told me the Koch brothers planned to support Democrats as well as Republicans this cycle. We went back and forth about that and then let it drift. Then, on Friday the news started filtering out that the Kochs are indeed looking to gain influence inside the Democratic Party, the way they have inside the Republican Party.The Kochs are willing to finance Democrats "in step with Koch policies?" Don't be deceived by the Koch affinity for DREAMers.

You Don't Beat Blood Red With Lighter Red-- You Win By Espousing Strong Blue Values... Meet Proud Missourian Kathy Ellis

Sometimes you find the best Democrats in the least likely places. When Taylor Jackson e-mailed me to ask me about the Blue America endorsement procedure, we started a chat. She is working for a candidate, Kathy Ellis, is southeast Missouri's sprawling rural 8th district, currently represented by right-wing nut Jason Smith. The PVI is an eye-popping R+24.