Kathy Ellis

Trump's Swamp Is Worse Than Even Harding's And Grant's Administrations Combined!

Last year USA Today columnist Paul Brandus reminded his readers that "We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant. We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G.

How Long Before The Missouri GOP Cult Passes A Law Forbidding Women To Drive? Or Wear Shoes?

Last May, when Missouri's unelected governor, Mike Parson, signed a law banning abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy with no exceptions for cases of rape and incest-- just one of a whole slew of anti-Choice laws passed by state's with GOP governors and Republican-controled legislatures that passed since Trump appointed two anti-Choice Supreme Court judges. The states are competing to see which case overturns Roe v. Wade.

Conservatives Are Stomping Out Family Farms-- And Not Just Republican Conservatives Either

You know what's bipartisan in DC? Agricultural policy-- and it sucks, for farmers, for rural communities and for consumers. Jeff Hauser and Eleanor Eagan, reporting for Washington Monthly, have no doubt that the Trump Regime is up to no good when it comes to family farms, but they point out that it isn't just Trump and the Republicans. "The administration is letting agribusiness run amok, they wrote.

How To Write A Good Campaign E-Mail, II: Kathy Ellis

This is the second episode of our series about writing a good campaign e-mail. This one is by Kathy Ellis, running in a horrifyingly red district in southeast Missouri. Trump beat Hillary there 75.4% to 21.0%, her worst result in the state. Kathy is working to build a collaborative progressive infrastructure as well as a congressional campaign.