Karnataka Freedom of Religion Bill

Thousands Join The Campaign Against Anti-Conversion Laws In India

Many prominent citizens in India demanded for a Repeal of All Anti-Conversion Laws in India, in the context of the Anti-Conversion Bill scheduled to be tabled in Karnataka Upper House on February 14, 2022. The initial signatories for the Petition to the President of India included nationally well known citizens like Admiral L Ramdas ( Former Chief of Naval Staff of[Read More...]

Signature Campaign: Citizens Demand Repeal of Anti-Conversion Laws in India

  REPEAL Anti-Conversion Laws! They undermine India’s Constitution, Secular Heritage and Human Rights We, the citizens of secular and democratic India, are shocked to witness the , moves of the state governments ruled by the BJP and other political parties, targeting Christians, Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis and Hindu women using Anti-Conversion Laws in India. Hindutva elements in various parties, and specially[Read More...]

Margaret Alva questions PM Modi’s silence on attack against minorities

To Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister Government of India South Block, Raisina Hill New Delhi-110 011. Dear Prime Minister, I write to you, the Leader of our great Democratic,Secular, Socialist Republic of India, governed by a Constitution which enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms of Indian citizens, irrespective of caste, colour, race or creed, as a senior concerned citizen who[Read More...]

 95 Organisations Resist Anti-Conversion Laws through a Poster Campaign

Ninety-five organisations have endorsed the poster campaign against the Anti-Conversion Laws in India. We request you to circulate, release and share the material. Karnataka Legislative Assembly has passed the Anti-Conversion Bill despite stiff opposition from the opposition parties. However, it is not yet tabled in the upper house to make it a law. The Anti-Conversion Law affects Christians, Muslims, Dalits,[Read More...]

Thousands Protest Against Karnataka Anti-Conversion Bill In Bangalore

Today the streets of Bangalore saw an outpour of citizens in large numbers to protest against the anti-people and unconstitutional ‘Karnataka Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Bill 2021’. The rally began from Mysore Bank Circle and culminated at Freedom Park. A broad coalition of more than 40 organisations vociferously demanded that the Bill be withdrawn as the Government[Read More...]

Freedom of Religion Bill is an Instrument of Hindu Rashtra

The anti-conversion law in India is a double-edged sword: a step towards Hindu Rashtra perpetuating caste supremacy The Freedom of Religion Act known as anti-conversion law in India is a double edged sword. Its twin objectives are establishment of Hindu Rashtra and it perpetuates caste supremacy. The minorities, dalits and adivasis constitute nearly 40% of India’s population; of which Dalit[Read More...]

Criminalizing the Practice of Faith

A report by PUCL Karnataka on the Hate Crimes on Christians in Karnataka, 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Criminalizing the Practice of Faith, A report by PUCL Karnataka on the Hate Crimes on Christians in Karnataka, 2021, traces the hate crimes perpetrated against Christians in Karnataka by Hindutva groups. The point this report seeks to make is that the myth of conversion[Read More...]

Fact Finding Report of attacks against Christians in North Karnataka

Religious Liberty Commission of EFI records 39 incidents against Christians in Karnataka since January 2021. In the wake of the media reported attacks against Christians in North Karnataka, a fact-finding team from EFI’s Religious Liberty Commission visited the region, travelling to 8 towns and cities and meeting at least 12 pastors and Christian leaders who have experienced opposition and harassment[Read More...]