Karl Rove

People Who Tell You Trump Can Win Reelection In 2020 Are Using Some Very Powerful Drugs-- Get Some

The Tiki Torch Leader by Hugh BrownIn his Wall Street Journal column yesterday, Steve Bannon’s Motley Crew of Challengers-- One is fresh out of prison. Another held a town hall to discuss ‘chemtrail’ theories, Karl Rove basically said the Republican establishment is fine fighting a war against Bannon's brand of fascism: Bring It On, Asshole!

Moore defeats the Money Power in Alabama

Roy Moore Defeats Paul Singer, Jared Kushner  and the Money Power in the Alabama Senate primaryBy Michael Hoffman • RevisionistHistory.orgTens of millions of dollars were donated to the aptly named Luther Strange in his Donald Trump-endorsed attempt to defeat staunch Christian Roy Moore in the Republican primary for US Senate in Alabama on September 26.The 70-year-old Moore is the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, which is an elected office in that state.

How Much Worse Will Trump Do Than Romney And McCain?

It's hard to imagine anyone ever took Mr. Trumpanzee's claims that he will win in deep blue states like California, New York and New Jersey seriously, not even people who are part of his campaign. Maybe Barron Trump took it seriously and the plagiarizer. Maybe someone thought some of the long-dead Christie magic would rub off on him.

Is America Dooming Itself To Lesser-Of-Two-Evils Presidential Elections Forever?

Crossroads, a series of PACs that have made Karl Rove very very rich as he takes a cut off the top from foolish right-wing contributors, did the above ad comparing Hillary to Nixon. It's not very persuasive and won't do much to move any narratives forward. But I'm sure Rove made some bank from it. With Paul "fresh face" Ryan perhaps taking himself out of contention-- I still don't believe it-- Rove is desperate to assure himself a steady income flow.