Karl Marx

Before and Without Marx

Some peoples possess shamans to explain how the world works. We have charlatan economists and politicians posing as intellectuals who claim to be able to reveal the mystery of running society. The ideas of Marx did not arise out of thin air but were grew from the works of many others before him. But the purpose of this short essay is not to explore[Read More...]

Goodbye Mr Marx

Darren Allen Audio Version New Feature! Many of the problems with socialism, both official and unofficial, in fact many of the problems with the world, can be traced back to Karl Marx. Not that all leftists are, say, Marxist materialists — many today are idealists (e.g. pacifistic Buddhists) — nor that all leftists are uncritical …

How Being a Self-Educated Street Intellectual May Have Saved My Life

1970: Weeks When Decades Happen I was 20 years old in 1968, a good year to be 20 years old. Between the spring of 1970 and the spring of 1972 there were weeks when decades happened for me. In the space of one year: I moved out of my parents’ house in Jamaica, Queens to […]
The post How Being a Self-Educated Street Intellectual May Have Saved My Life first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Marx in this pandemic point

“And the first birthright of capital is equal exploitation of labor-power by all capitalists.” Marx thus describes a reality dominated by capital. Today, in this pandemic point, when death is sweeping away thousands of lives in countries, in India and Brazil, in cities, in New Delhi, Mumbai and Reo de Janeiro, when ordinary citizens are gasping for oxygen, when their[Read More...]

Why Middle-Class Left Liberals Should Dump the Democratic Party: Finding Common Ground with Socialists

Many of you in the middle class are opposed to socialism. You still think there is some chance for you under capitalism and you fear that the socialists will take what little you have and divide it among the shiftless and thriftless. You need not have the slightest fear. The socialist has no use for […]

Chilean Embraces Environmental Ethos on Oregon Coast

Before heading over to interview this subject, I was thinking of a possible epigraph for the piece. One from a Chilean: Discovery is not seeing what there is (that is impossible at any level), but rather allowing oneself to converge towards a continually freshly-created reality. ― Chilean economist, Manfred Max-Neef, From the Outside Looking In: Experiences […]