
Let Me Make Your Day

The 6 women in this focus group are all from swing states and all voted for Trump. Most would do it again... although half say they are disappointed. They all say they want to use the midterms to "send a message." Take a look. One thing for sure, this sure doesn't sound like part of any wave. But, keep in mind they were all Trump voters in 2016.This morning Axios launched an idea for how they plan to measure the upcoming wave.

Yesterday's Elections-- The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

There was no primary or special election in North Carolina yesterday and the Democratic candidate, Dan McCready, is a Blue Dog who will be voting frequently with the GOP when he gets into Congress-- Blue Dogs always do. But with the existential danger of Trump hanging over us, with have to hold our noses and hope congressional candidates like McCready win. And in this case, we probably don't have to hope too hard, because he's very likely to win.

Trump Wants Kobach-- Establishment Republicans Want Cold Compresses

I woke up yesterday and took a look at look at a funny little post in Axios by Jonathan Swan, "Behind the scenes: Trump's power politics," about Señor Trumpanzee big-footing all over the GOP midterms. He always has to make them all about him-- even when that is a detriment. The first segment was about screwed up the OH-12 race. "Trump," wrote Swan, "thinks it's fun to have a stake in these elections, according to sources familiar with his thinking.

Turning Kansas Blue? Nah... Just The Two Biggest Cities-- Alexandria And Bernie In The Sunflower State

Jim Thompson with Bernie and Alexandria in WichitaHillary Clinton didn't campaign in Kansas. 427,005 people voted for her there anyway (36%). She won the Kansas City area-- Douglas County 31,195 (62.28%) to 14,688 (29.32%) and Wyandotte County 30,146 (61.80%) to 15,806 (32.40%) in landslides and did well enough in Johnson and Shawnee, respectively 129,852 (44.76%) to 137,490 (47.40%) and 33,926 (44.99%) to 35,934 (47.65%).

Abolish ICE Movement Spreads as Activist Encampments Shut Down Multiple Facilities

(CD) — Protesters in Louisville, Kentucky were outraged Monday after police swiftly removed an encampment they had set up outside the city’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility as part of the national #OccupyICE movement. I cannot get my jaw off the floor the @louisvillemayor had the gall, the NERVE to speak in front of that rally on Saturday, […]