Kai Ryssdal

Trump's Proposal Was Radical-- AOC And Elizabeth Warren Are Reformers

I wish that crazy Trump would just settle down and go spend his days playing golf again so AOC could get Congress working on a sensible agenda. You know who's work I'm really enjoying? Eric Levitz at New York Magazine. Once a poetry lecturer at Johns Hopkins, this guy has been writing excellent essays on the nexus of where politics meets the world of finance.

Larry Kudlow-- De Minimis

Perhaps you weren't born in 1994-- or maybe not reading the NY Times yet. So... in light of Larry Kudlow popping his head of of his West Wing hole today, let's take a ride back in the long-time-ago-time-machine. Sylvia Nasar and Alison Cowan-- hey Alison!-- began their feature by noting that "Kudlow seemed a master of the universe. Being a top Wall Street economist was not the half of it. Mr. Kudlow had been a prominent member of President Reagan's economic team.