Justin Trudeau

On Hiding Truth in Canada

Freedom of expression includes not saying what you don’t want to. So these updates which may give some insight to ‘truth management’ in Canada start out with the journalist’s right to protect his/her sources. Refusing to reveal a source to the court in both the U.S. and Canada can place a journalist in jail. The extremes of countering an individual’s wishes not to reveal information have become the state’s domain due to current policies on torture. U.S. officials who have approved torture are allowed to enter Canada although torture is clearly against Canadian law.

Canada to Guinea Refugees: We want your bauxite but we don’t want you

If you take a nation’s mineral resources do you have a moral responsibility to also accept its people?
On Sunday about 40 people rallied outside a Montreal Metro station against deportations to Guinea. The protesters called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to live up to his “Welcome to Canada” rhetoric and allow asylum seekers from the small West African nation to stay.

 Poroshenko And Trudeau

  “We continue to stand with Ukraine against the illegal illegitimate incursion of Russia into Ukrainian territorial sovereignty and their attempts to destabilize Ukraine economically and many other ways,” Trudeau said. CBC, September 22, 2017. Donbas The Canadian government operates under as many double standards as that of the U.S. and its other NATO allies. Russia did not invade Donbas,[Read More...]

The Myth of Canada’s “Benevolent” Foreign Policy

A house built on an imaginary foundation may be a “dream home” but it can never be lived in. The same holds true in politics.
One need not mythologize Canadian foreign policy history to oppose the Trudeau government’s egregious position on nuclear arms. In fact, ‘benevolent Canada’ dogma weakens the critical consciousness needed to reject the policies of our foreign policy establishment.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and German FM Gabriel give fascist greeting to Ukrainian nationalists

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel have found themselves embroiled in a scandal over a public greeting they offered to Ukrainian leaders.
Both leaders used the phrase “Slava Ukraini!”, in their messages. The phrase which literally means “Glory to Ukraine” and is usually answered with the refrain of “Glory to heroes”, was popularised by Ukrainian Nazi-collaborators during the 1940s including the notorious Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists headed by Stepan Bandera.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau flip-flops, says “people seeking asylum” should do it legally

It was not long ago when liberal left, immigration super hero, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posted on twitter that Canada would welcome all those fleeing “persecution and war.”
According to Zerohedge, it took Trudeau eight months to do an about face, and tone down his open door policy towards migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.