Justin Trudeau

The Real Face of Justin Trudeau: Are Palestinians Canada’s New Jews?

How does one explain Canada’s contradictory foreign policy regarding Palestine and Israel?
On December 4, Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Saeb Erekat, praised Canada’s commitment not to follow the footsteps of the US Donald Trump Administration by transferring its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

John Bolton and Canada’s Trudeau knew of Huawei CFO arrest. Failed to inform Trump (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at how John Bolton and Canadian PM Trudeau knew ahead of time that Huawei CFO was to be arrested and never informed Trump…knowing that as Meng was being arrested in Canada, the US President was sitting down for trade talks with China’s President Xi.

Endeavour - Trudeau Buying The Canadian Media & Selling Global Compact for Migration - Hour 1

Canadian YouTuber Endeavour joins Henrik to discuss Justin Trudeau buying off the Canadian media and the push by the UN to get many nations to sign the Global Compact for Migration.
In the second part we discuss the "Yellow Vest" revolt in France and the catastrophic Brexit deal for the UK, while EU comes out of the negotiations getting everything they wanted.
A video version of this show is available here.

The Moral Fiber of Justin Trudeau

For any appeal to ethics and morality to have any legitimacy, the principles so enounced must be applied rigorously, without favor or prejudice, to all human beings whatever grouping they may be slotted into. In other words, favoritism and morality are an antithetical mixture.
The principle that holds morals apply equally to all humans seemingly eludes Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Canada’s Arms Lobby supports Sale of Light Armoured Vehicles to Saudi Arabia

Will they cancel the contract or won’t they? In order to understand Ottawa’s decision-making process regarding General Dynamics’ massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia one must look closely at industry lobbyists.
While the Trudeau government is under substantial public pressure to rescind the $15 billion Light Armoured Vehicle sale, to do so would challenge the company and the broader corporate lobby.

The Saudi Arabian Model: Blueprints for Murder and Purchasing Arms

It reads like a swaying narrative of retreat.  A man’s body is subjected to a gruesome anatomical fate, his parts separated by a specially appointed saw doctor – an expert in the rapid autopsy – overseen by a distinctly large number of individuals.  Surveillance cameras had improbably failed that day.  We are not sure where, along the line, the torturers began their devilish task: the diligent beating punctuated by questions, followed by the severing of fingers, or perha

Political Graffiti Exposing Anti-Palestinian Racism

Supporters of a private Toronto school that publicly promotes racism against Palestinians, flies an Israeli flag and then complains of “anti-Semitism” when pro-Palestinian graffiti is scrawled on its walls should give their heads a shake.
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center and B’nai Brith labeled messages scrawled on Leo Baeck Day School “hateful” and “anti-Semitic”, but fair-minded individuals should be more concerned with the hatred taught inside the school.

Why Isn’t Canada’s Trudeau Speaking at the Main UN Forum This Year?

Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, holding a press conference during the UN General Assembly’s annual general debate, Sept. 21, 2017. He is not speaking at the main session this year but in sideline events. MANUEL ELIAS/UN PHOTO
MONTREAL — When he took office in 2015, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised, among other things, to bring Canada back as a leader on the world’s stage.