Justin Trudeau

Canada, Ireland and Norway Wrap Up Their Campaigns for Security Council Seats as New Voting Methods Are Proposed

As part of standard procedures in UN General Assembly elections, officials hold up empty ballot boxes for inspection by teller delegates, before collecting member states’ ballots. The pandemic has forced new methods on Assembly voting as the UN stays physically shut until the end of June for now. UN PHOTO 

Friday Morning COVID-19 Update: It's OK To Blame Trump And His Regime

Trump's coke-fiend chief economic advisor, Larry Kudlow-- too stoned and irrational for Fox News, but just fine for the White House-- told the congressional Republicans early yesterday morning, just days after he lied to them and said the whole COVID-19 was "locked down," that Trump was finally about to sign the disaster order he should have signed in January.

First Nations Pipeline Protest: 14 Land Protectors Arrested as Canadian Police Raid Indigenous Camp

In Canada, armed forces raided native Wet’suwet’en territory in British Columbia Monday, with at least 14 arrests being reported. Land defenders faced off with Royal Canadian Mounted Police as the police breached two checkpoints set up to keep pipeline workers out of protected territory. Indigenous leaders are reportedly being blocked from their territory. TransCanada Corporation has been seeking entry into indigenous territory, where they are planning to build the massive $4.7 billion Coastal GasLink pipeline.

Trudeau removes failed Freeland. Can Champagne mend relations with China, Russia, India & USA? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Justin Trudeau’s decision to appoint François-Philippe Champagne as Canada’s new foreign minister, doing away with the failed, hawkish neoliberal policy enacted by former minister Chrystia Freeland.
Champagne as foreign minister provides Canada with a chance to mend relations with China, India, Russia and the United States, which Freeland so damaged with her Ukraine first, globalist ideology.