Justin Amash

Can Alan Grayson and Justin Amash Save America From Another Pointless War?

War... but  not as much as McCainBoehner, Cantor and House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Rogers (R-MI) are all backing Obama's flimsy excuses to rush to war against Syria but will they and their Beltway Establishment allies-- who have certainly tossed out the so-called Hastert Rule on this one-- be able to swing the majority of Republicans into Obama's corner?

If Peace Is A Paramount Issue To You, Could You Find Yourself Voting For Republicans In Some Races?

Not afraid to speak truth to powerIgor Volsky and Judd Legum of Think Progress are trying to keep track of who's for bombing Syria and who's opposing it in Congress. And while they're getting a few specifics wrong here and there, theirs is one of the better "whip counts" available to the public right now.

Funding War And Domestic Spying

This week I literally marveled at how deftly Alan Grayson was able to use congressional procedures beyond the ken of garden variety congressmembers to get five amendments to the defense-spending bill passed without controversy particularly one prohibiting torture. “This amendment," explained Grayson to any Members who might not be paying attention, "makes the intent of Congress clear; it makes the law clear: We. Don’t. Torture.