Justin Amash

Can You Learn More Civics From Fox News Or From "Funny Or Die"?

Scalia flipped out after the majority of his Court colleagues rejected his entire life's judicial philosophy Thursday and Friday, first by voting against a frivolous lawsuit to undermine healthcare for millions of American families and then voting to erase the artificial barriers bigots and hate-mongers have erected to prevent gays and lesbians from marrying.

There Are No Syrian Moderate Terrorists But 300 Members Of Congress Voted To Give "Them" Billions Of Our Taxpayer Dollars

We live in a political system where Congress shirks it's clear and unambiguous responsibility to declare war. Instead we get military actions of dubious legality and with superficial public support, which often quickly sours. Thursday the House came as close as they do to debating and voting for war. Disguised as H.R.

Arming Syrian Moderates? They Are No Syrian Moderates Except In McCain's Twisted Mind

The House leaders-- afraid of midterm voters-- avoided voting for war in the Middle East yesterday and instead voted to fund what McCain insists are "moderate" Syrian rebels… you know, the ones who have been selling arms and captives to ISIS (the "non-moderates") for months. Do we never learn? Anything? Buck McKeon's slippery slope amendment passed 273 to 156 with 85 Democrats and 71 Republicans voting against it. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) has learned history's lessons.

Last Night's Primaries-- Justin Amash Kicks Boehner's Ass

I knew it was coming but I'll still amazed it came. The teabaggers couldn't even save one of their incumbents, Kerry Bentivolio in the suburbs west and northwest of Detroit in Oakland and Wayne counties. Boehner's Chamber of Commerce wing of the party recognized he was weak and they moved in for the kill. But what was so startling was that the Republicans of the district picked this monstrosity to replace him. Watch that video up top made by some Bentivolio supporters. This guy Dave Trott's going to be the worst piece of crap in the whole Congress.

Last Night's Primaries-- Justin Amash Kicks Boehner's Ass

I knew it was coming but I'll still amazed it came. The teabaggers couldn't even save one of their incumbents, Kerry Bentivolio in the suburbs west and northwest of Detroit in Oakland and Wayne counties. Boehner's Chamber of Commerce wing of the party recognized he was weak and they moved in for the kill. But what was so startling was that the Republicans of the district picked this monstrosity to replace him. Watch that video up top made by some Bentivolio supporters. This guy Dave Trott's going to be the worst piece of crap in the whole Congress.

Republican Civil War Turning To Cannibalism?

DWT is for Raul LabradorAngry right-wing populists struck out blindly against Eric Cantor last week-- and scored a knockout. But to the victors do not go the spoils, not Inside-the-Beltway. David Brat will become a largely ignored, probably short-term, backbencher; he will not become Majority Leader. Nor will any teabagger who celebrated Cantor's political demise.