Justin Amash

Trump Regime Is On The Road To Ruin

Every poll shows the same thing-- Trump is unpopular. His allies and cronies are unpopular. His agenda is even more hated than he is. After trying to pass his pet TrumpCare anti-healthcare bill, Not counting NJ sleaze bag Chris Christie, Paul Ryan is now the most unpopular politician in America-- with a 61% disapproval. Only 11% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, the Congress Ryan leads. Most Americans know Trump is dishonest; just 39% haven't caught on yet.

Ryan And Trump Threaten Primaries Against Republicans Who Vote Against Trumpcare

The other day we mentioned that a SuperPAC controlled by Paul Ryan is running threatening negative TV ads against 30 Republican incumbents. The one above has been on TV all weekend in Grand Rapids, it's suburbs to the north and east and in Battle Creek in central Michigan. The implied threat is that Ryan will destroy independent-minded libertarian Justin Amash's career the same way he destroyed the careers of Republican incumbents Tim Huelskamp (KS) and Scott Garrett (NJ).

What A Disastrous Health Care Rollout Ryan Orchestrated!

Yesterday, Houston cancer specialist and brand new TX-07 congressional candidate, Jason Westin, led a deep dive into Republican health care "policy" for us. Even as we were posting it, the extremists inside the Republican House Conference-- the "Freedom Caucus-- was attacking the Ryan-Pence-Price TrumpCare proposal from a very different perspective.

Did The Far Right Render Ryan's Health Care Repeal Dead On Arrival?

A brand new Monmouth poll, found that 51% of Americans said they would prefer to keep the Affordable Care Act and work to improve it, with another 7% saying they want to keep the ACA entirely intact. That's 58%, while only 39% want to see the ACA repealed, either with a replacement (31%) or repealed entirely without a replacement, the Freedom Caucus' preferred outcome (8%).

Is There Any GOP Resistance To Trumpism? Well... There's Justin Amash

In Trump's press conference marathon of lies and distortions last week, he claimed his well oiled machine of a regime has made tremendous strides in getting his agenda passed. "I don’t think there’s ever been a president elected who in this short period of time has done what we’ve done,: said noted historian Donald J. Trumpanzee.

Why Diane Black Has Far More To Fear From Her Constituents In Tennessee Than Justin Amash Does From Michigan Voters

Justin Amash isn't hiding from his constituents and he's not hiding the media coverage of his raucous downhill meetings. He welcomes them and wants Michiganders to know about them. Amash's Grand Rapids-based seat is in a swing district (PVI is R+4); most of the voters coming from Kent (Grand Rapids) and Calhoun (Battle Creek) counties. Obama won it 50-49% in 2008, lost it 53-46% in 2012 and Hillary lost to Trump 51.6% to 42.2%.