jury nullification

Did the FBI Spur January 6 Capitol Clash? Judging Freedom Podcast

UPDATE: YouTube slapped an “age-restricted video” designation on this interview that prevents people from viewing it unless they sign in with their Google account & attest that they are over 18 years old. Holy crap! I hardly cussed at all during that interview. YouTube devoted to assuring that young Americans blindly trust government or what? […]

Ron Paul on Burns Oregon Standoff and Jury Nullification for the Hammond Family

21st Century Wire says…
If you’ve been following the protest and federal standoff outside of Burns, Oregon, you’ll have seen 99% of the news coverage has been about the presence of ‘armed militia’ and endless rumors of FBI ‘Waco Siege’ plots – and not about the core legal issues surrounding the Hammond family.

De-Manufacturing Consent- “Mainstream Isn’t ‘Moderate Truth,’ It’s the Corruption of Truth!”

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Ben Swann
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by the host of Full Disclosure and the founder of Truth in Media, Mr. Ben Swann. Guillermo and Ben discuss a variety of issues, including the recently launched “Just Us” campaign, designed to raise awareness of jury nullification. We also discuss nullification and the drug war, the militarization of federally subsidized local police departments, the Boston Marathon Bombing and the case of Ibragim Todashev, internet freedom, net neutrality, and so much more.