julio borges

El ‘embajador virtual’ de EEUU tiene una cumbre de golpistas venezolanos antes del reconocimiento a Guaidó de Biden

Una cumbre a puertas cerrada de venezolanos insurrectos en Bogotá realza el papel de James Story como el administrador de Washington de la oposición radical. Entonces, ¿quién es el “embajador virtual” de los Estados Unidos ante Venezuela? James “Jimmy” Story, el embajador virtual de los Estados Unidos para Venezuela, prometió responder una serie de preguntas enviadas por The Grayzone el 24 de febrero. Pero luego de un intercambio por Whatsapp con esta periodista en la que Story ofreció explicar por […]

US ‘virtual ambassador’ to Venezuela hosts insurrectionist summit ahead of Biden’s Guaidó recognition

A closed-door Bogotá summit of fugitive Venezuelan insurrectionists highlighted James Story’s role as Washington’s manager of the radical right-wing opposition. So who is the US “virtual ambassador” to Venezuela? US “virtual ambassador” to Venezuela James “Jimmy” Story promised to answer a series of questions sent to him by The Grayzone this February 24. But after a Whatsapp exchange with this reporter during which Story offered to explain why he regularly alternated between Gargamel and the Smurfs as his avatar on the […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 176 Ricardo Vaz on Venezuela and the Naked Imperialism of the US

Ricardo Vaz of Venezuelanalysis.com joined me to discuss the ongoing regime change operations in Venezuela. We stared off by discussing the recent return of so called “interim president” Juan Guaido after his visit to several Latin American including Colombia and Brazil. Ricardo talked about the muted response from Maduro, who allowed Guaido to return with out a fuss after being banned from international travel. Ricardo also talked about the response on the ground in Venezuela to Guaido’s return, and the fact that he appears to be losing some momentum as a political leader.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 155 Maduro assassination attempt and economic warfare on Venezuela with Paul Dobson

This week my guest is journalist Paul Dobson of Venezuelanalysis. We had a wide ranging discussion on Venezuela, its current political and economic situation, and western media distortions. First, we covered the recent terrorist attack on President Maduro’s life on August 4th. We touched on the right-wing media operations out of Miami, which supported this terrorist act, as well as the role of ultra right-wing activists in Venezuela and Colombia.

Venezuelan Opposition Calls for New Presidential Vote After Maduro Drone Attack

Sputnik – August 8, 2018 Venezuela’s opposition leader Julio Borges has called on Caracas to hold a new presidential vote to elect a new leader who will, in turn, form a new government that will bring order to the country after the recent assassination attempt on President Nicolas Maduro. “There is a clear confusion with what […]

Venezuela: Legislator Detained Over Failed Assassination Attempt on Maduro

Venezuela’s Bolivarian Service for National Intelligence (Sebin) detained legislator Juan Requesens Tuesday after evidence was found linking him to the failed assassination attempt against President Nicolas Maduro last week.
He was linked to the failed attempt by retired military officer Juan Carlos Monasterios, alias Bons, who was also involved in the plot that flew explosive drones over Avenida Bolivar in Caracas.

Venezuela : Nouvel attentat contre le TSJ, tentative de coup d’état

Oscar Perez et son commando, lisant la déclaration publiée sur son compte instagram simultanément à l’attaque du TSJ et du ministère de l’intérieur
Hier, Mercredi 28 juin 2017, Oscar Perez, un policier d’élite, a lancé 4 grenades contre le Tribunal Suprême de Justice (TSJ) du Venezuela à Caracas depuis un hélicoptère. Il a également tiré une quinzaine de coups de feu sur le ministère de l’intérieur. A priori, les attaques n’auraient fait aucune victime.

Venezuela, juin 2017 : Incendie du Tribunal Suprême de Justice, poursuites contre la procureure générale. Que se passe-t-il vraiment ?

Le 13 juin, un groupe armé de cocktails Molotov incendie un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice à Caracas
Le 13 juin 2017, des manifestants cagoulés ont incendié un bâtiment du Tribunal Suprême de Justice du Venezuela à Caracas, à coups de cocktails Molotov. Le 21 juin, les membres de ce même Tribunal Suprême de Justice ont autorisé des poursuites contre la procureure générale du pays, Luisa Ortega Diaz.