julianne moore

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: Hollywood Mind Control in Magnolia (1999)

In this episode, I deconstruct P.T. Anderson’s Magnolia and show how the synchronicity in the film relates to both Jung and Hollywood Mind Control and instances of Satanic pedophilia. While difficult for some, Anderson’s Magnolia is a curious film unlike cookie-cutter Hollywood vomit, tackling dark topics with a cavalier attitude. In my analysis, I show how this relates to western esoterism and mind control.
Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: Hidden Meaning of Hunger Games

In this episode, I deconstruct the hidden meaning behind the multi-billion dollar franchise, The Hunger Games.  From Agenda 21 and the United Nations, to gladiatorial human sacrifice, the dystopian pheonomenon of The Hunger Games and girlpower heroine Katniss signify more than is apparent on the surface,  If you like this analysis, subscribe for 4.95 for my philosophy courses at the PayPal link and check out my book below, now available for order at Amazon: