Juliana Ossa

Will Junk Science Convict Harvey Weinstein? (Part 2)

Of course, there are women who choose not to report being raped, for whatever reason.  A woman who is genuinely vulnerable may elect not to do so, and such women are often sought out by sexual predators. One such sexual predator was rogue Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw. He prayed on young black women on the fringe of society, but when he targeted an older woman who was driving her own car, she reported him immediately, and his goose was cooked.

Will Junk Science Convict Harvey Weinstein? (Part 1)

The first trial of disgraced former media mogul Harvey Weinstein is now well underway. The number of accusers is certainly impressive, and as people often believe there can be no smoke without fire, that quantity of smoke appears daunting for the defence. That though is an extremely superficial argument which amounts to claiming every allegation must contain at least a grain of truth. Coupled with that is the mantra “believe all women”, so if a woman tells you she is really a thousand years old, a werewolf, or was born on the planet Jupiter, the grain of truth is what?