Judith Miller

All Roads Lead to Dark Winter

By Whitney Webb | The Last American Vagabond | April 1, 2020

The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.

Disgraced NYT media whore Judy Miller is back, and she's mad about being singled out for being wrong about Iraq

Feel free to watch if you like. I don't want to, and thanks to Erik Wemple's vigilance, I don't have to."If that consensus was wrong, I think you can’t blame either reporters for reporting what the consensus was or the intelligence analysts who got it wrong."-- former NYT dimwit Judith Miller, in her bookby KenThere's ample reason to feel general gratitude to washingtonpost.com's Erik Wemple for the watchful eye the Erik Wemple Blog keeps on the hamsters who turn the wheels in their cages to power the infotainment noozemedia. But there are times when I have to positively bless the man.

Judith Miller’s Blame-Shifting Memoir

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity | Consortium News | April 7, 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR: Americans Malnourished on the Truth About Iraq FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: A New “Miller’s Tale” (with apologies to Geoffrey Chaucer) On April 3, former New York Times journalist Judith Miller published an article in the Wall Street […]

Paul Wolfowitz and the Senate Torture Report

[GTMO Interrogation and Control Element Chief] Mr. [David] Becker also told the Committee that, on several occasions, MG [Major General] Dunlavey had advised him that the office of Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz had called to express concerns to him about the insufficient intelligence production at GTMO. Mr. Becker recalledMG Dunlavey telling him after one of these calls, that the Deputy Secretary himself said that GTMO should use more aggressive interrogation techniques.

The EyeOpener Report- Blackout: The Media and the Nuclear Spying Cover-up

In June 2003, then-New York Times reporter Judith Miller learnt Valerie Plame’s name along with journalists like Robert Novak and Bob Woodward. From July 2005 to October 2005, Miller spent 85 days in jail for not revealing her sources on Plame to Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury investigation into the Plame affair. Although every aspect of Miller’s imprisonment is strange, by far the strangest is Miller’s continuing refusal to speak out about the real Plame scandal, and that the entire Fitzgerald investigation, including her time in jail, was based on a complete sham.