
Unraveling Israel’s Identity: From Atheistic Zionism to Religious Nationalism

Ideological shifts do not appear and disappear overnight. Regardless of the outcome of Israel’s protests, the ideological shifts there are seismic and long-lasting. For now, liberal Zionists and their Western allies must accept the historical truth that Herzl's “clergymen” have escaped the "temples” and are running the country.

To Haredi Jews, Zionists Have Made a Land Where Jews Live in Constant Fear

It would be unthinkable for Israeli parents to send an Israeli child in a car driven by an Arab. Having stolen the land, displaced its people, and killed so many, it is obvious why Israelis feel they have to fear for their lives.
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The Quiet Rebellion: Why US Jews Turning against Israel is Good for Palestinians

Israel is now at a crossroads. It can only win back the support of US Jews if it abandons Zionism altogether, or abandon them in favor of complete reliance on the Evangelicals. In fact, some top Israeli officials are already advocating the latter. 
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Why Opposing Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitic: The Christian Roots of Zionism

When Naftali Bennett, the first yarmulke-wearing Israeli prime minister, refers to the Bible to justify his claim to the Land of Israel, he is not referring to Jewish scripture but to Protestant religious doctrine.
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Israeli Lawmaker Proclaims ‘Jewish Race’ Superior to All Others

A lawmaker from the ruling Likud party said Wednesday that the “Jewish race” is the smartest in the world and possessing of the “highest human capital,” which is why, he said, the Israeli public did not buy into the allegations of wrongdoing by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reports The Time Of Israel.
MK Miki Zohar made the comments during a radio debate with veteran political journalist Dan Margalit about the corruption investigations in which Netanyahu is either a suspect or has given testimony.

How Christian Zionists Got Their Man Into the White House

On 18 July, US Vice President Mike Pence delivered the keynote speech at the annual summit of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Founded in 2006 by Pastor John Hagee, an evangelist from San Antonio, CUFI claims to be the largest pro-Israel group in the United States, with three million members. Hagee endorsed Donald Trump for president in May 2016.