Judd Legum

Status Quo Joe And McKinsey Pete Get Their Talking Points From The Republican Party

Judd Legum's tweet-storm Saturday morning, helps explain why you shouldn't get upset about loud divisions inside the Democratic Party. It's why primaries are so needed and so healthy. As he wrote, "There is a big debate about the future of the Democratic Party. Does the party need to represent a "return to normalcy" after Trump?

Impeachment-- The Politics

Yesterday, Charles Blow, noting that obstruction of justice is a crime, asked-- rhetorically-- if Trump should be impeached. Everyone of the left agrees that the Mueller report is "a damning document" that details "Russian efforts to attack our election to help the Trump campaign and the Trump campaign’s eager acceptance of that help, it paints a picture of Donald Trump as an unethical man with no regard for the rule of law.

Whether He Releases Them Or Not, The Trumpanzee Tax Saga Is A Window Into His Character And Fitness For Office

Mike Pence was on Meet the Press yesterday and said "Donald Trump and I are both going to release our tax returns. I'll release mine in the next week." Yes? Yes? And what about your crooked boss? When will his returns be released. No news there. Pence reiterated the dishonest excuse Señor Trumpanzee has been giving all along for not releasing his tax returns.