
There Is No Doubt That Fredo Trump Was Colluding With The Kremlin-- Or Trying To

Last July, pointing out that "any true Godfather aficionado must see that the Trumps are simply a family full of Fredos," Vanity Fair published a feature by Yohana Desta, Is Donald Trump Jr. Really the Fredo of His Family? An Investigation. And they weren't the first to make the comparison. Desta begins her piece by acknowledging that Jr.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahA few days ago (Wednesday), I posted a meme about a grotesque bit of particularly slimy parasitical human ectoplasm named Donald Trump, Jr. In my 40+ year career in the music, I encountered a few examples of sons who would never have gotten their jobs and made their way in the world if not for daddy. Often they'd end up getting fired because they were so dumb, so obnoxious, so incompetent or all of the above. Then, daddy would pull a few strings in the business and come to the rescue with a new job somewhere.

Does Lindsey Graham Think It's Somehow Exculpatory That Junior And Kushner-In-Law Are "New" To Treason And Couldn't Be Expected To Understand?

Vox tried to explain why people call Donald Trump, Jr. "Fredo Trump." It's a reference to the slow-witted, bungling middle son in The Godfather. Cute. What Jerry Nadler, a senior Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee had to say about Don, Jr. yesterday was...