Joy Reid

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThere's Charlie Manson. There's Ted Bundy. There's Jim Jones. There's Jeffrey Dahmer. America has produced some spectacularly sick and twisted psychopaths. The men I've just mentioned killed a total of hundreds of innocent Americans. What Charlie Manson did is, perhaps, most widely known. The gruesome details of what Jeffrey Dahmer did are impossible to stomach.

Whoever Controls the Narrative, Controls the World

(CJ Opinion) — MSNBC host Joy Reid still has a job. Despite blatantly lying about time-traveling hackers bearing responsibility for bigoted posts a decade ago in her then-barely-known blog, despite her reportedly sparking an FBI investigation on false pretenses, despite her colleagues at MSNBC being completely fed up with how the network is handling the controversy surrounding her, her career just keeps trundling […]

Tucker Carlson DEMOLISHES fake news, homophobe, hypocrite Joy Reid (Video)

MSNBC’s Joy Reid is a “progressive” left darling, but back in 2006, her blog posts showed she was anti-gay to the extreme.
Reid claims she never wrote the blog posts and was hacked by Russian agents.
Only a moron believes Joy Reid’s ridiculous excuse, trying to cover up her homophobe racist rants.
Joy Reid was in the tank for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential elections, who also explained away her lazy, loser campaign on, you guessed it…Russian hackers.

The Shithole "President" Is Illegitimate And Always Will Be

I just went through a couple of very intense years of cancer treatment. My doctor is an award-winning researcher and my cancer is extremely rare and extremely difficult to manage. She was one of the world's experts in it and she saved my life. She was born in China and I consider myself very lucky that her family immigrated to America, to California, where I live. Another specialist who my primary care physician suggested I also talk to suggested a much less intense treatment for the disease, much less stressful treatment. Everyone dies within a couple of years who goes that route.

After Failing With Right-Of-Center Corporate Dems in Every Gubernatorial Race Since They Ran Buddy MacKay In 1998, Time For Andrew Gillum, A Real Live Progressive

A couple of nights ago, centrist MSNBC host Joy Reid tweeted that "The consequences of elections can be grave, America. Voting to 'shake things up' or 'send an outsider to Washington' or going third party to 'send a message' can mean literal life, death or suffering for lots of people.

Physical Cowards Like Señor Trumpanzee Often Promote Violence And Fascism

Hillary couldn't have picked a more sycophantic interviewer than Joy Reid for a taped, edited appearance of MSNBC Saturday morning. Nonetheless, there was something the two of them got to that even Hillary's detractors would whole-heartedly agree with: Trump is worse than she, or almost any of us, imaged he would be as president.

Polls Show Generic Democrats Beating Generic Republicans In 2018 BUT... Will The DCCC And DSCC Recruit Candidates Foul Enough To Kill Hopes For A Blue Midterm?

Gil Cisneros, an "ex"-Republican lottery winner-- the kind of utterly worthless candidate the DCCC comes up with when left to their own devisesTom Wakely was the progressive Democratic opponent to Lamar Smith last cycle. Next year he's a candidate for governor of Texas.

Guest Post By Rep. Ro Khanna-- A Defining Moment For Democrats: Oppose Syria Strikes

-by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA)I am disappointed that President Trump's military strikes in Syria have received bipartisan support as "measured and appropriate." Although many politicians and journalists are encouraging the President to come to Congress before taking more action, few are debating the merits of the strike itself.Yes, Trump should have come to Congress for approval. Yes, Congress should have debated beforehand.