Joy Reid

The Freakout Escalates: DNC, MSDNC & Korporate Democrats Losing Their Minds Over The Appeal Of Bernie Sanders

-by NoahAbout 20 years ago, I was looking for something to watch on the telly while I ate my dinner and I happened upon the Chris Matthews Hardball show. It was the first time I had ever seen in it and to this day, I simply turn the sound down or switch the channel whenever his show comes on. Why? Simple. First impressions mean a lot. That night Matthews was interviewing Newt Gingrich and it was anything but hardball. Since that night, I've called the show exactly what it is: Nerfball. Chris Mathews interviewing Newtie was no interview.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWith great sadness and anger, I can't help but think about what happens to many women who seek a court injunction against a belligerent, crazed and abusive man. If impeachment is the equivalent of that kind of injunction, then just imagine what Trump's sick mind is plotting for us next. Same goes for his henchmen. That just makes it even more imperative that we not make any compromises whatsoever with Trump and his enablers and supporters.

Republicans Stick Like Glue To Trump-- He Really Does Represent What They Are

Like their dear leader Trump, 9% of Americans think there's no such thing as Climate Change. Trump has convinced himself that the Climate Crisis is nothing but a "Chinese hoax. Everyone else, according to a new poll from CBS News, now recognizes that Climate Change is for real and most Americans feel we've got to address it or suffer the consequences.