Jordan Peterson

Matt Dillahunty Vs Jay Dyer – Theism Debate Live Rescheduling



Note for the debate: YouTube changed the ingestion settings live stream page since we tested it two days ago. Matt was cool about it and we are rescheduling for week of 19th. No one was running, YT has redone steaming page. You can’t schedule a live event and have it stream the way it used to since hangouts is gone, you have to use “live stream now.” My mistake

Disinviting Jordan Peterson: The Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge and Approved Ideas

He has sent so many cliques and groups into titters of anger, and the indignant have attempted to turn on him.  The university environment should be the last place where dangerous ideas, and views, are stifled and stomped upon. In actual fact, we are seeing the reverse; from students unions to middle- and upper-managerial parasites and administrators, the contrarian idea must be boxed, the controversial speaker silenced and sent beyond the pale.  Dissent and disagreement are lethal toxin to such affected notions as “diversity” and “inclusiveness”.


Mitt förslag:Människor skall ha så stor frihet som möjligt.Gränsen för en persons frihet går där honkränker någon annans frihet, säkerhet eller egendom.Alla skall ha lika rättigheter inför staten.Dessutom har jag en stark känsla av att normer måste växa underifrån, inte pådyvlas folk uppifrån. Det måste börja med att människor tar dessa grundläggande principer till sig - och konsekvent tillämpar dem. Då kan de få fäste och spridning.