Jonathan Swan

MSNBC's ConservaDem Approach To Bernie: "But At What Cost? Oh God, At What Cost!!!"

When I say "MSNBC," I don't mean Chris Hayes and Ali Velshi. I mean talking empty heads, like the blond lady, in the video above. They asked Jonathan Swan what the biggest story of the day is and he started answering that it was a story about "Bernie Sanders' sweeping vision to transform nearly every aspect of American life" in a way that hasn't been done since FDR.

It's Good If We Have A President Who Is Grounded In The Current Century... Unlike You-Know-Who

John Oliver: "The truth is, from employers' point of view, a big selling point for automation is that it increases productivity and it maximizes profits. And, for displaced workers, that has caused immense main throughout history-- and not just in factories. For instance, in the 90s, as voice recognition technology improved, phone company operators were rightly worried for their jobs... A job automated is not necessarily a job lost. Frequently, machines don;'t replace jobs so much as tasks...

Trump ‘Would Love’ for Drug Dealers to Get the Death Penalty

(COMMONDREAMS) — U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly praised Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte for his “great” and extraordinarily deadly drug war, and apparently this admiration is seeping into Trump’s policy goals. According to an Axios report published late Sunday, Trump rants often in private about his desire for all drug dealers to get the death penalty. “He says that a lot,” an anonymous senior […]