Jonathan Chait

The Republican Health Care Plan Emerges... Again

This week was my last cycle in a long, painful treatment for cancer using chemotherapy. Medicare saved my life-- no ifs, ands or buts about it. Medicare has been better insurance than the platinum standard insurance Warner Bros gave me as the president of one of their divisions-- not "as good"-- BETTER. Medicare-- other than Part D, the Republican Party prescription drug plan that is oriented towards their Big Pharma campaign donors, not towards patients like the rest of Medicare-- is a wondrous and blessed thing, something every American should be proud of and willing to fight for.

It's official! GOP enviro-denialists are now more primitive than the heretofore pro-environmental-marauding Chinese gov't

Presidents Xi and Obama conclude what the NYT's Mark Landler calls their "unexpectedly productive two days of meetings."by KenThat's two days in a row the president has not just controlled the news cycle, but done it with actual governing-type stuff, announcing what sure look to be big-issue policy commitments on the side of the angels.

Paul Ryan Declares War Against Math-- Steve Israel Declares War Against Rob Zerban

There aren't many-- if any-- Republicans who have been more demonized in those annoying DCCC emails begging for money from lo-info grassroots Dems, than Paul Ryan. Reading them, you'd think the DCCC is gearing up to fight-- if not already in the midst of hand-to-hand combat-- against the despised and much-vilified (rightfully despised and vilified) Ryan.

Maybe Christie And His Mafia Pal Michael Grimm Can Be Roomies In The Federal Pen

No one who reads DWT regularly wasn't already sure that Chris Christie directed the scandal now known as Bridge-gate. And of course he's been orchestrating the entire cover-up. Friday night, the NY Times broke the story that Christie has been lying his ass off from day one-- which only fools didn't already know.

Which GOP Blockhead Responded To The Immigration Question By Reading "America The Beautiful" To The Republican Conference?

Michigan closet case Dave Camp has a new angle on thwarting immigration reformWednesday, at the House Republicans' closed door strategy session about immigration reform, Boehner and Ryan begged their GOP colleagues to not doom the party to national electoral oblivion by sabotaging the bipartisan efforts in the Senate at a time when record majorities of Americans support comprehen