Jonathan Chait

Which California Republicans Are Willing To Sacrifice Their Careers To Give Billionaires A Tax Cut?

I hope Jonathan Chait is correct about the GOP tax plan being political suicide... but I'm not as certain as he is. Have you started seeing the ads yet? Millions of dollars of patently fake spots are blanketing TV from coast to coast claiming how fabulous the plan is. There isn't an ounce of truth in them but...

Jimmy Kimmel: "I Would Feel More Comfortable If Cercei Lannister Was Running This Country At This Point"

Tuesday night, reported Maggie Haberman, Señor Trumpanzee was in a very good mood after his press conference. Her White House sources told her he felt liberated after doing what he wanted. The next morning, Heather Heyer was buried. Neither Trump nor Pence bothered to attend. Not one of the "very fine people?" Haberman also reported that Gary Cohn is said to be deeply upset by the events of the last few days and Trump's responses, "per multiple sources," but that he's not leaving administration-- not happy but not leaving.

At The Current Rate Of Decline, Trump's Approval Rating Will Hit Zero In September 2020

Active Shooter by Nancy OhanianThe L.A. Times' Cathleen Decker reported that "[m]ore than two dozen voters gathered in Phoenix this week delivered a bipartisan broadside against President Trump, Republicans and Democrats, dismissing the political class as serving its wealthy benefactors and abandoning everyday Americans.

Imagine Someone Like Trumpy The Clown Destroying What Took Over 200 Years To Build

Trump's like the guy, pulled over by a traffic cop for speeding, who says to the cop who comes over to write him a ticket, "you better not look in the trunk or else!" The analogy falls apart a little when you realize Mueller had already been looking in the trunk-- even if he isn't putting out press releases or leaking about it. Trump's flipping out that Mueller can examine his tax returns-- i.e., that there's a real sheriff in town who's going after the bad guys.