Jon Schwarz

Missing in action: essential context in the Israeli attack on Gaza

Missing in action: essential context in the Israeli attack on Gazaby Ian SinclairMorning Star16 January 2024 “Most studies carried out prior to the current fighting in Gaza… have repeatedly found that it is the Israeli perspective that is favoured” in broadcast news coverage, Greg Philo and Mike Berry from the Glasgow Media Group recently noted […]

Pentagon Papers Failed to Prevent Perpetual Media Kowtowing

American Conservative, June 7, 2021 Pentagon Papers Failed to Prevent Perpetual Media Kowtowing Instead of holding the federal government accountable, the media have become its largest enablers. by James Bovard Fifty years ago, the New York Times began publishing excerpts from a massive secret report called the “History of U.S. Decision-Making Process on Vietnam Policy.” […]

A New Biography Traces The Pathology Of Allen Dulles And His Appalling Cabal

There is an amorphous group of unelected corporate lawyers, bankers, and intelligence and military officials who form an American “deep state,” setting real limits on the rare politicians who ever try to get out of line. They do collaborate with and nurture their deep state counterparts in other countries, to whom they feel far more loyalty than their fellow citizens. The minions of the deep state hate and fear even the mildest moves towards democracy, and fight against it by any means available to them.