Jon Ralston

Lots Of Tragedy To Go Around-- Due Process Could Be Very Helpful

In his delineation of the tragedy of Ruben Kihuen, Jon Ralston wrote Monday that it was Reid who elevated "someone with so many known ticking time bombs in his past." Ralston expressed sympathy, not with the Democratic Party establishment or even Kihuen but with so many people who "had reposed faith in and who so many mu

Why Isn't Gun Safety More Of An Issue This Cycle?

When Blue America polled issues that would motivate suburban voters to support our progressive candidates around the country, we found gun safety high on every list in every single district. Based on that, two of our mobile billboards, on in NV-04 (North Las Vegas) and one in NY-02 (Long Island's South Shore), are all about gun safety. The DCCC has talked a good game on this but DCCC head Ben Ray Lujan is a quiet backer of gun groups and is one of the few Democrats in the House still taking bribes from gun manufacturers and their lobbyists.

Trump's Strutting Around Like A Peacock Today, But Will He Be A Feather Duster Tomorrow?

Sunday morning, Nevada's most respected political commentator, Jon Ralston, writing for the Reno Gazette-Journal, pointed out what anyone watching the political circus unfolding in the Republican battle over the 2016 presidential nomination already feels in their gut, namely that Trump's domination of the polls is a consequence, as well as proof, that American-- or at least right-wing--

The Republican Party Is Making Itself Over As The Party Of Anti-American Sedition

Many Republican Party leaders, always sensitive to their hate-fueled, paranoid base, are still clinging to their racism and bigotry. Its reflected in their policy agenda, the Ryan budget, their refusal to pass the bipartisan Senate comprehensive immigration plan (which even Boehner admits is being held back by the hate mongers in his caucus).