Jon Hoadley

Republican Congressmen Worry That Trump Is Flushing Their Reelections Down The Toilet With His Own

Fred Upton wants to be seen as a moderate rather than the Trump enabler he isRepublican senators are afraid to do it because they worry Trump will notice and tweet something horrible about them, but some House Republicans are quietly trying to edge away from Trump to save their own skins.

Neither The Pandemic Nor Trump Has Changed The Republican Party-- Both Have Just Exposed The Base For What It Is

You wouldn't know from the way the mainstream media is constantly, incessantly harping on it, but ending social distancing-- backed by Trump-- is a fringe position among most Americans. Earlier today I was speaking with one of the Blue America-edorsed congressional candidates from Texas, Julie Oliver and she told me, defiantly, that "We aren't going to let Texas be defined by its smallest minds.

Andy Levin And AOC Are Working To Tear Down A Barrier For Consumers Interested In Buying An Electric Vehicle

When Trump first got to the White House, he saw infrastructure spending as a perfect way to transfer taxpayer dollars into his own pocket and the pockets of his campaign donors-- until Pelosi and Schumer told him that isn't the way it works. So he colored on his campaign promises of rebuilding American infrastructure.

The Toxicity Of The Citizens United Decision

Yesterday, on the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court's badly decided Citizens United case, Blue America-endorsed candidates Andrew Romanoff, Brianna Wu and Kara Eastman joined Cenk Uygur for an online rally against the the disastrous decision.Cenk told his supporters that "No other ruling has had such a major impact on campaign finance-- allowing unlimited election spending by corporations and fueling the rise of Super PACs. It also emboldened the Supreme Court to subsequently strike down other regulations that stood in the way of corporations buying our elections.

Do YOU Imagine Yourself Morally Evolved While Still Afflicted With The Latent Illness Of Privilege That Resists The Messiness Of Loud, Aggressive, Angry Justice?

People don't go around saying "Happy Martin Luther King Day" to each other, right? It's not that kind of a holiday. More, though, should do what John Pavlovitz did on his blog this morning, a powerful and compelling meditation on how Martin Luther King's message resonates in him today.