Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Netanyahu Rolls out ‘Smoke-And-Mirrors’ Once Again Ahead of Iran Nuclear Deal Decision

One of the attributes of a skilled propagandist is to dress up as a “startling revelation” something which in reality everyone with knowledge of a matter has long known.
We had a masterclass in this technique yesterday from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is someone who is not just a skilled propagandist but who is actually a brilliant one.

Netanyahu’s ‘smoke-and-mirrors’ performance on the Iranian nuclear deal

A well-established trick of a skilled propagandist is to dress up as a “startling revelation” something which in reality everyone with knowledge of a matter has long known.
We had a masterclass in this technique yesterday from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is someone who is not just a skilled propagandist but who is actually a brilliant one.

France’s Macron Blasts “Very Insane” US Strategy as Trump Mulls Scrapping Iran Nuke Deal

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump increasingly appears to be pursuing his “gut instinct” on the Iran nuclear deal and is leaning toward withdrawing from the landmark accord, according to French President Emmanuel Macron. The French leader has agreed with Trump that a “new arrangement” must be worked out with Iran, although the two leaders may have different ideas of what form a new deal would take.

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About America’s True Intentions in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Just days ago, Israel openly voiced its frustrations with the United States for not taking a stronger role in countering Iran’s growing influence in neighboring Syria, a red line for Israel that has them planning to assault Syria’s sovereignty in order to defend its interests. “It is convenient for the Americans to let us be their proxy against Iran […]

Russia rejects US demands for changes to Iran nuclear deal

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Donald Trump ‘decertifies’ Iran; US foreign policy becomes irrational

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